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The Sunday Times: Transforming Scotlands Ports

Recently, I was invited to share my thoughts on the future of Scotlands ports in The Sunday Times "The Business" supplement.

The Business: A Sunday Times Supplement

The award of Green Freeport status in Scotland to Cromarty Firth and Forth Ports is set to deliver huge benefits to their respective local economies, and also presents opportunities for many other Scottish ports ready to capitalise on the growth of activity - particularly in the developing offshore wind industry.

My good friend Neil Girvan, publisher of the Ports of Scotland yearbook, highlighted that despite reports of industries in decline, there are still opportunities to be had in the traditional markets, and each port can play to its individual physical strengths to attract new business.

What will give these ports the competitive edge when it comes to winning new business?

As I point out in the article, potential customers are already adapting their businesses to take advantage of new digital technologies, and any service provider that can offer more efficient processes and integrated ways of working will have a significant competitive edge.

You can read the full article at, and let me know your thoughts in the comments.

My contribution to the article. Click the link above to read in full.

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